Amazing how fast time fly's when you are having fun! I never thought in a million years that I would be sealed to the wonderful man that I am sealed to today! ;) 4.5 years ago I was in Africa...single with no thoughts of getting married anytime soon. I was actually planning on staying another year out there cause I was having fun! I signed up for MySpace Jan. 6th, received a message from Katie Bailey asking me to write her brother Marc who was on a mission in Germany. Sayyyy WHAT? I have had a crush on him for soooo long. I used to think what it would be like to just talk to him...let alone date him. I literally had nothing to lose. I wrote him....he wrote back...this went on back and forth till the beg. of March. I called him in Germany when he was off his mission and playing basketball out there. I was still in Africa working...had the urge to I did. I gave up a job that was paying me over 6 figures...for a chance on love. I came home...2 weeks later I fly out to see Marc in Germany (Mid April). Stay out there for 10 days...fall in love.. I come home blissful and happppppyyyy! I get home and check my answering machine...find out I was getting deployed to Afghanistan AGAIN... noooo this can't be happening. I WANT TO SETTLE DOWN...START MY LIFE. I suck it up and have a very tearful conversation with Marc letting him know I won't be flying out again to see him in Germany and won't see him for a year. HE FLY'S HOME THE NEXT DAY!! Say WHAT :) I am a very happy girl! The time comes and I am about to deploy...bags packed and all. The day of my departure Marc is there...Sad, worried, concerned, in love. Time goes by and my 1st SGT tells me that I don't have to go...DOUBLE SAY WHAT...too many emotions at that time to really express how I was feeling! The stars really did align for us, Heavenly Father was truly blessing me and answering my prayers. May 25th he proposed at the Denver Temple and we were married July 21st. It was a fast whirlwind romance, one of the greatest rides of my life. My patience really worked out for me. I married the most patient~loving ~ hard working man that I know. Thank you Marc for being everything that you are, for loving me and our son with all that you have! To the rest of Eternity, I LOVE YOU!!

This is what we made ;)))
It's a beautiful story! Love you guys, happy Anniversary!
Cute post! Hope you have a great time celebrating your anniversary. Loved the story of how things worked out for you guys!
Aww! So sweet, Rand! Happy Anniversary!
You guys really do have the most amazing story I remember crying when I read your first post about it! I just loved how binding your experience was and is just so happy that Marcus found exactly what he needed/wanted! Congratulations, seriously about your little Mason... you guys should make some more of those!!! Tell Marcus I said hi if you would :)
Love the story!
I too feel like the stars aligned for Will and I, so I love hearing stories that remind me of how blessed we are when Heavenly Father reaches out and causes our paths to cross. And how great is it to be married to someone that you feel is the RIGHT and ONLY ONE for you!
Congratulations you guys on adding number 4 :) Your kids are so beautiful you should have one EVERY year! Congrats!
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