Black Friday shopping!! I love love love hanging out in front of Target with my amazing sisters!! 7 hours was worth the wait!!
In the Gator
Feeding Cows
So now to the sad part that I am cautious to share because it still hurts me and I think it will for the rest of my life. At the beginning of Oct I went in for my 12 week appointment. I was so so excited to hear my sweet babies heart beat. Marc didn't come with me because it's a fast appointment, hear the heartbeat and then I am out of there! He put the heart beat thing on my tummy to hear the heartbeat. He moved up and down...all around but still couldn't hear anything but my heartbeat. I wasn't worried at all, I had a really calming feeling come over me. So we went on to do an ultra sound. This would be the 4th time I got to see my babe. I had complications at the beginning which required to see the progress of the baby. So the ultra sound was up and running, still no heart beat and no blood flow to the baby. My heart was racing, I was in disbelief. Do another ultra sound I said...that is the vaginal one...(so TMI) Same outcome. I couldn't believe it, at the time it never crossed my mind that my body would do this to me. I thought I was invincible, I don't smoke, drink or put anything harmful in my body. I just sat there not knowing what to do or how to feel. Dr Klingler was with me the whole time. I was yearning for Marc and Mason but at the same time scared to go home and tell them that our baby went back to Heavenly Father. After the Dr. talked to me and told me my options I opted for a D&C the next morning. I prayed and prayed, cried and cried and cried. I found comfort in my lil Mason, he knew something was wrong, he didn't leave my side all day. I went in reluctantly the next morning to have the babies sweet body removed. I knew the spirit moved on and had an overwhelming feeling of calmness and reassurance that I will one day be able to mother that child. Whether here on earth or in heaven above that baby will always be mine. I went to stay with my mom for 4 or 5 days. I needed time to grieve without Mason seeing me sad all the time so my mom helped me take care of him. Those days at my parents was a blessing. It has almost been two months since I found out. The pain is still there but it is bearable. The love I received from friends and family was healing to my heart and soul. I know this is personal, I never wanted to share it. But too many of my friends were due at the same time as me and they all had miscarriages around the same time. I find strength from these special women we will move on from this, knowing one day we will hold that babe. I will cherish every second I have with Mason and Marc. I have never had anything taken from me like this, or from my life period. It's humbling and reassures me that I will be reunited with all my family.
Thanks for reading and letting me share this sad and hopeful time in my life.
I'm so sorry Randalyn, I think you handled everything beautifully. It is necessary to mourn and feel all the emotions that a miscarriage brings. I'm glad that Travis was there with you, he is wonderful. Getting pregnant has been our struggle, the whole thing is very sensitive, but when I have shared my sadness it seems to help.
So so sorry to hear! We had 4 before this one finally happened, so you know I have been there. If you ever need to talk to anything please don't hesitate! Love ya and miss ya!
This is one of those times when you just don't know what to say...because no words can comfort such a trying time. I wish I could just throw my arms around you and hug your guts out. I'm so sorry for you loss, but at the same time thankful for your strength and inspiring testimony. Hang in there girl. I know our Heavenly Father loves you and has an ultimate plan in place! xoxo
Oh Randalyn I am so sorry! Words can't express I know, but please know I am thinking of you in my prayers.
I love you Randalyn. That is really beautiful the way you're seeing the whole situation. You are strong. You are wonderful. And you are an amazing Mama. I am so glad you're a block away.
Love you.
Randalyn and Marcus,
I was excited to see that you had updated your blog and was hopeful for an update on your pregnancy. I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage and just wanted you to know that I thought your post was very eloquent. Have a Merry Christmas and hang in there :)
Oh Randalyn...I am so sorry. You are a very strong woman, wife and mother! Hang in there, you have such a beautiful life.
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