I will always remember Feb 9 5:55 pm. I get a call from my mother, one of many throughout the day. I hesitate to answer, I don't want to hear what she has to say. This was the call I received. With tearful gasps my mother tells me she has lost her mother, my grandmother. Nothing prepares you for those words, those feelings. Wanting to be there to kiss her good bye. To thank her for the many many many glorious memories I have with her and Grandpa. My grandma was a gift to me from Heavenly Father. My mothers mom Beverly died when my mom was nine. I will never know her in this life. My Grandpa did the best thing ever, he married my Grandma Joyce and joined together 2 families and made them into one...the best that she could do. What a strong woman she was, I will go as far as saying she is FANTASTIC! Utah will never be the same for me, Gma won't be there with open arms to give me kisses and to tell me how much she missed me and loves me. I will take comfort in knowing she will be looking down on us daily. I will strive to make her proud, to remember her always. Sadly I think the ones that pass have it easy, they get to go to Heaven and be with loved ones that have passed on. Not to mention be in the presence of our Heavenly Father. It's my Grandpa that will have the hardest time, I think about him at this time and my heart breaks for him. It's not fair to lose two wives in one lifetime. I will say how lucky he was to love twice and be loved in return by many. Grandma Joyce, I love you. I love you so much, thank you for raising my mother and loving her as your own.
Such a beautiful post Randalyn, so very sorry for your loss. You Grandma Joyce looks so much like Corys Grandma Barbra. Hoping you and your extended family can find joy in the memories at such a loss. Thinking of you...
Thanks for posting this. Together we can all help Grandpa get through these rough times to come. As Grandma would want us to.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, your Grandma sounds like she was a beautiful lady. Please let me know if we can do anything - we'd love to have Mason over to play if you need some time to yourself. Love you!
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